Sunday, November 20, 2011

She's The Man

Shirt, Jacket, and Pants- Ethans closet (thanks!)
Shoes- Nordstrom Birthday present
Hat- Chases house (thanks!)
Wig- Old long black wig I cut

So i know this is kinda weird.. hah but dont i totally look like a dude?? Wheres Waldo was pretty must the funnest activity ever! I totally won too! You should have seen my swagger all over the mall haha My hip still hurts from how i was walking though.. but it was totally worth it (; Thanks everyone for putting this activity together! It was a blast! Cant wait to do it again. Hope you get a chance to try this activity out one day.

Directions- Youth dress up in discguises and roam the mall while the leaders are looking for them. When a leader finds you, you give them a card that says they found you (it usually has your name on it). Have a place to meet up and a time to gather. After everyone gets together each person counts how many cards they still have left and whoever has the most wins! It is so much fun and so hilarious :D  

Have a super de duper night!

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About Me

I am a 17 year old shopoholic who loves family, sales, clothes, fashion, makeup, vintage stuff, crafty things, organizing, the LDS church, my friends, laughing, being happy, and living!