Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Monster.

Scarf- Mothers Closet
Cardigan- Ross $9.00
Jacket- NPS (older post)

Did you know that today is Cookie Monster's birthday!?! Well now you do (: Exciting isnt it? ahah At young womens tonight me made cookie monster cookies to celebrate his birth. .. was he ever a child? Or was he born an adult? hah I think these are a little graphic for some people becuase this could be considered canibalism for they are both cookies.. i didnt even realize i just supported canibalism. :/ haha
I hope you all had a really super halloween! I would have had pictures of my costume.. but the sad new is that i didnt dress up :( But i still had loads of fun bobbing for apples and such!
If you havent heard the reast of the Justin Bieber album you should check it out becuase it is SUPERB!! :D Have a swell night kayy?

1 comment:

  1. Cuteness! You need to post the bobbing for apples pictures. :)


About Me

I am a 17 year old shopoholic who loves family, sales, clothes, fashion, makeup, vintage stuff, crafty things, organizing, the LDS church, my friends, laughing, being happy, and living!